Thumbprint Teacher Hangout

Thumbprint Educators,

By now, most of you have had a chance to get started using Thumbprint in your classroom. For those who haven't, you'll be starting very soon. We're very excited to have a chance to work with such exceptional teachers, and to get your feedback about how things are going.

Our first Thumbprint Teacher Hangout will be on Wednesday, May 14 on Google Hangouts. The Hangout will be no longer than 1 hour. Our hope is that most of you will be able to join us that day to talk with Thumbprint staff, and with each other, about your experience with the pilot so far - what you like, what you've learned, and what could be improved

Scheduling can be hard sometimes, so we'd like to pick a time that works for as many of you as possible. Please take a minute to complete the attached poll by voting for the hangout time that works best for you. If you can't make it that day, don't worry - we'll be doing more hangouts before the end of the pilot.

In order to give everyone a chance to contribute, we recommend that every teacher or school prepare the following in advance:
1. One question you'd like to ask the Thumbprint staff.
2. One comment (hopefully constructive) you'd like to make about your experience with Thumbprint so far.

Please vote for your preferred time, and we'll send out a calendar invite to everyone for the time with the most votes.

Click here to vote for your preferred time

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Thanks for your time,

The Thumbprint Team